An excerpt from the documentary, The Love Bomb, Joe describes his struggle to break through the deadlock and writer's block, finally demanding that God help him. "When it was over, I knew what play was, and that it is the only reason we are on this earth."
The Joseph Chilton Pearce Library, housed at the nonprofit Touch the Future, features decades of rare and remarkable footage of Pearce's classroom presentations, personal interviews and lectures. For less than a coffee a day, you can support Pearce's work by becoming a member of the nonprofit library here. You may also support Touch the Future's preservation of Pearce's work with your tax-deductible donation here.
And easy to access, and free, collection of Joe's video recordings, from classrooms to television to tribute videos, on Touch the Future's YouTube channel.
A marvel and production of love, you will find Joe's teachings broken into easy to digest insights in The Academy at Touch the Future.
In the spring of 2010 a small group, including the editor of Joe’s latest book and David B. Chamberlain, PhD, a leader in the field of prenatal intelligence and memory, gathered in Ojai California to explore with Joe his collected works. For the first time, with this close group, Joe explored what was happening in his life as he wrote each of his major publications beginning with Crack in the Cosmic Egg. What began with Crack In the Cosmic Egg, exploring our amazing capacities and self-inflicted limitations, which reaches beyond the body – into a dimension the brain can never touch. Enjoy the preview and purchase the set.
Joseph Chilton Pearce and Cellular Biologist, Speaker and Author Bruce Lipton gathered with a small international group to explore a Post Modern, Post Darwinian Vision of Evolution. The first chapter of Pearce's last book, Strange Loops, inspired by the observation that man's brain and the universe mirror each other outlines a radical new vision of evolution where consciousness plays an active role. Bruce Lipton's latest work, Spontaneous Evolution, outlines a similar vision. Bruce shared during the opening session how he, coming from a reductionist scientific background, came to this vision from the bottom up. Joe came to the same perceptions from the top down. They met in the middle and explored this life altering paradigm for three days. Fifty participants traveled from Japan, from Bali, Canada, Europe and across the United States to witness and add to this rare and remarkable exchange.
This six one hour audio series presentations represents the best developmental overview of Joe’s vision of optimum human development; Awakening of Intelligence, Pregnancy, Birth and Bonding, Imagination and Play, Learning and Education, Critical and Creative Thinking and Beyond Adolescence.
We have it backwards. Schooling is conditioning, behavior modification. Authentic PLAY is the optimum state for learning and performance. This rich and personal dialogue with Michael Mendizza is profound, easy to understand and a game changer.
View and subscribe to Joe's growing YouTube playlist here.
Join the Joseph Chilton Pearce Library for full access to historical archives and insights into Joe's recorded lectures.
On the Parenting for a Peaceful World USA Tour in 2014, Australian psychotherapist and book author, Robin Grille, sits with the iconic elder and grandfather of the conscious parenting movement. Joe and Robin met in the home Joe built as a young man from the rocks and trees from the surrounding Virginia mountainside. They cover the gamut, from what Joe thinks the world really needs now - forgiveness - to climate change to enculturation to the ideals of the Continuum Concept.
"This video was originally inspired by the works of Joseph Chilton Pearce and his material on culture, specifically how we are neurally embedded into culture itself and how our three-fold brain is working against itself by ultilizing its higher functions to serve the lower instead of the other way around. It is thus dedicated primarily to him for his work on elucidating the changing needs of children, which I believe is of the greatest importance to us all. " - Simon Shrunk
Optimal development in children is thwarted by a variety of factors from modern hospital delivery methods to the educational system itself. Joe suggests that current problems with child raising are so immense as to be virtually insolvable. However, parents who are truly concerned must begin by discovering within themselves the spiritual nature of love.
"Now, emotional energy proves to be the most awesome thing in the universe. Emotional energy is the energy that hold all patterns in their pattern form, that relates everything together in our life. Emotional energy pulls everything into its formal relationship and maintains all relationship."
--Joseph Chilton Pearce
Joe describes his experience of calling on God to show him what is the real meaning of play.
Love Bomb is interwoven with expert voices that explore themes of human transformation, love, altruism, and consciousness. How can traumas ultimately transform us? What is the power of love and how can we find it within ourselves? What is our very own "Love Bomb" and how can we give it to the world? Everyone has an innate power to contribute to a loving future for humanity.
The combination of the latest brain research with the new image of the shape of reality emerging from quantum physics challenges us to see ourselves anew, according to Pearce, who provides a wealth of knowledge about how we develop, learn, create and relate to the universe we inhabit. He suggests that intelligence is much more than just brainpower and may, indeed, have its source in the human heart. For anyone interested in understanding how we learn and grow, his ideas are challenging and profound. Pearce is the author many books including Crack in the Cosmic Egg (Simon & Schuster 1971), Magical Child (Bantam 1980), Magical Child Matures (Bantam 1986), Evolution's End: Claiming the Potential of Our Intelligence (HarperSanFrancisco 1992), and most recently The Biology of Transcendence: A Blueprint of the Human Spirit (Park Street Press 2004), The Death of Religion and the Rebirth of Spirit: A Return to Intelligence of the Heart (Park Street Press 2007).
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